
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why does God love us?

I wondered after some experiences I had about the above question and I wonder how many people have asked themselves this... Why does God still love us?

As human beings at least once or more times we must have done some considerably bad things... I have, and am sure a lot of people out there have too. I wondered if God sees us as little children as in lets us explore within a set boundary but stops us or at least warns us when we begin to stray beyond those boundaries via our conscience and all something like a perimeter alarm beeping when we leave those boundaries and the alarm gets fainter and fainter as we go further and further away from those boundaries. Usually when we are "exploring" we keep telling ourselves that we know what we are doing and we have everything under control and really that is usually the case at the beginning but it almost always ends up as something else. So the thing is this, we have been at this junction quite a number of times, telling ourselves we know what we are doing and ending up elsewhere and I ask at this point why we don't apply the same principle for all areas of our lives.

There are so many examples, am quite sure that as you read the ones i put in here you will be able to think up some more, I'll just name a few examples from the bible, examples that most of us may be familiar with and some of us may not...

- Abraham: agreed with his wife to have a child since they felt that God was wasting too much time in fulfilling his promise. Slept with his wife's servant Hagai and had a son Ishmael. The war between Ishmael and Isaac is still going on today in the form of their children in the Middle East.

- The Israelites: Almost every generation rebelled against God but each and every time God gave them a chance to come back to him, repeatedly warned them and was always ready to forgive them when they repented...

- Balaam: God expressly told him not to curse the people of Israel but he still went along and it took a donkey(an animal thought to be really stupid even now) to save his life(I don't know if anyone else sees the irony in that). Numbers 22.

- Jonah: Tried to run away from God's work ended up in a storm first and then in a fish's belly... Spent three days in there and lived to tell the tale... Actually took 3 days of sober reflection and prayer before God brought him out of the fish's belly. The book of Jonah.

- David: Coveted his general's wife, slept with her, killed his general then married his wife, and probably wouldn't have thought much of it if God hadn't warned him and punished him. Guess what? The woman gave birth to David's heir and also was an ancestor of Joseph the earthly father of Jesus.

I don't know if any of us can relate to one or more things that I have written or maybe have more to add that others can relate to but we can all realize one thing, that people who disobeyed God in one way or the other paid for it. I have one more example that a lot of people probably have never thought of in this way...

There are a probably a lot of things each and every one of us wouldn't do over and over again, and there are other things we just conveniently forget to do...

-Shopping sometimes for things we don't really need, closing our eyes to the people out there suffering everyday against helping people in need...

-Forgetting to talk to God everyday but never forgetting to go to him when we need something or are in trouble.

-Wanting to do God's work our way and also wanting God to fulfill our requests our way.

-Getting mad at God when he doesn't do the things we want when we want them and always running to him to conveniently ask for forgiveness when we don't do the things He wants us to do.

There are so many examples here also, just put in the ones that I could really remember at the moment.

No one is perfect i know but make an attempt to look at the picture, God has given you so much in your daily lives all he is asking is for you to come to him so he can give you so much more. He has always given us another chance.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

why have beliefs changed?

Have u ever wondered why there are so many problems in the world centered around faith? Where we stand in our general beliefs, it has broken so many churches, formed a lot of others, created so many factions in different churches and even created new beliefs. Have you ever wondered why a long time ago all that mattered was your name and where you were from and right now so many other things come into play especially religion. Once upon a time you could tell a lot from another person by their dressing, their speech, and basically where they were from now it is virtually impossible. Have you ever wondered why all the vices practiced in the old days, vices like drinking, smoking, drugs, sex and a lot others haven't changed? But people keep finding whole new ways to worship God, whole new meanings to the bible some even twist the Christian faith to suit themselves and I ask myself why? Smoking and drugs may have been refined but its still done the same way, drinking is most definitely done in the same way, the world still refers to kamasutra, gay people are still gay so why are we changing things read in the bible, why are we changing the way we treat God, God hasn't changed, He is still the same God of yesterday, he will be the same God tomorrow
