
Saturday, January 24, 2009

A loving relationship

Have you ever felt down, sad, left out, alone? Felt like the whole world is against you, felt llying in bed all day and not getting up out of bed? You did something really silly, something you shouldn't have done and you feel everything is going wrong because of it and you deserve all the terrible things hapening to you. Even worse than that is the feeling that you don't deserve all that is happening to you and so why are they happening?
It all happened in 24hours, from being happy, I was exposed left bare and bleeding scared and asking for my saviour, most importantly being unable to tap into the world of peace; peace that passes all understanding, in just 24 hours it seemed like my whole world turned upside down and I became all alone, from hero to zero, from grace to parched grass. All over the world different scenarios, different feelings, the same questions, Why? What have I done wrong? Why is this happening to me right now? Due to these feelings, a lot of times we lose our focus, we lose our drive, a lot of times we just want to let loose and let go.

It always starts up as self pity, then it turns to anger, and then self pity again(as the thought of you not even deserving to be angry comes in) and then the anger slowly turns to bitterness and that is when you slowly begin to moan, groan and whine looking for reasons that are not there, answers that are not important.
Now if you have ever had any feelings I have had, ever if not all of them then some of them I just want to remind you of some people in the bible who have felt the same way you did.
- Jonah on the boat running away from God's mission to Nineveh (Jonah 1)
- Job losing everthing he had.(Job 1)
- Balaam riding a disobedient donkey (Numbers 22)
- David taking another man's wife (2Samuel 11)

- With Jonah it started as a mission, a mission that Jonah felt God didn't have to choose, and Jonah chose to leave God's mission to do what he pleased. We all know how that turned out even when the fish swallowed him it still took him 3 days to turn around to see the light.
- With Balaam it started out as very simple, God said i shouldn't so i won't, the same way a lot of us today know the word, we know the truth, and yet we choose to compromise, to mix pleasure with the truth, just a little here a little there, God won't be too angry with me he will have mercy on me and yet when things don't happen as planned we almost always get angry/upset at the little warnings giving to us before things truly get out of hand.
- Job lost everything for what he felt was no reason at all, that he had done nothing to deserve it and had he? The answer is no, but he was chosen for that very reason the reason that he was innocent.
- With David it was a case of staying in a vulnerable place knowing the consequences but still staying there anyways and we all know what happened.

For all who can read the places mentioned above so you can relate with what am about to say here.
- Bad things happen to good people all the time, that don't change the fact (it never does) that God loves you.
- Good things happen to bad people, no need to give examples we all see it around us, but if in any doubt ask Nebuchadnezzar.
- You can be used to either help someone up or bring the person down, whichever one it is is entirely up to you. Bath-sheba was taking a bath on the roof(i truly wonder if she did that when her husband was around). To all you guys and ladies dressing and acting to cause havoc, believe me you cause havoc, hope y'all are prepared oe even think about the consequences(seen or unseen) of your actions.
- The time you spend beating yourself up for the bad things that do happen to you, is time wasted, time not spent thanking God for his mercies in still keeping you alive to praise him.

Finally for everyone else who still wonders what I am talking about, if you have ever been in a loving relationship (and I mean a loving one), how would you feel if you loved someone who always left you for trivial things, left you to have fun, left you to flirt with every good looking thing that passed by? I don't know about you but it would break my heart, and seeing as it is that God loves each of us equally and absolutely, I can't begin to imagine as Him the number of times I would get my heart broken each second of everyday, and yet he still loves us.

For all the people who believe they are innocent but feel wronged, I have this to say to you; God sees, God knows, the number of times you get angry but hold it in for His sake, the number of times you are wronged but say nothing for His sake, the number of times you so much desire to let go, but hold on for his sake, He sees and He knows, He acknowledges them and He loves you, keep on holding on.

For all the people who this message touches, I have this to say to you all (me especially), for all the times you got angry, he knows and still loves you, the times you went out to have fun, flirting with all the good things in life He still loves you, you lied, cheated, did some backbiting, gossiping and tried to bring a brother or sister down, He still loves you. Watch the signs and change your heart, if there are no signs, change your heart anyway and thank Him for his mercies.

Finally, I don't know if y'all have thought about this like this but I have and it scares me. What if and I dare to think what if God treated us in the same we treated him? What if He took a break from loving us each morning? What if He took a break from loving us each time we called out to him? What if God did a random choice thing every second to pick someone to give special attention for each second each day? Bad things happen to people each day I know but so many times we use that as an excuse to do so many things we shouldnt be doing in life believing always believing that God would take care of us. This may be confusing I know, this may not make a lot of sense so in summary I will say this.

- We are quick to run off at the first sign of things going smoothly or running well in our life, and so quick to run back at the first sign of trouble.

- We are quick to find someone to blame for our problems in life, no matter how tiny they are, and slow to thank God for each breathe we take.

- We take so many things for granted, including God, breaking his hearts everyday even after he has given his all to show his love for us.

- There are over 6billion of us on this planet and yes I know He is omnipresent, but there is only one of Him. Which would be easier 1 loving 6,000,000,000 or 6,000,000,000 loving one? Yet he still loves us equally.

- We ask for so much each day, multiply it by the number of people on earth, He asks for just one, love Me with all your heart, soul and might

- If God broke your heart, as many times as you break His, where would you be? Take a minute, and hour, a day as long as you will and think about this.

I thank Him as many times as I can each day for his love. Without it I am nothing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Who Am I to You??

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelations 3:20)

It is a new year and I don't know how may people all over the world are giving it another shot, another try at whatever sphere of life they are in. As christians I don't know what your past life has been like and I dont know if you are giving God a second chance to do something in your life.
Something led me to ask this question first this year, a self check, a question Jesus asked his disciples so many years ago. Who do you say I am? Who is God to you? (Matthew 16:13-17).

-Is he the one you run to when there are problems in life? And the one you abandon right after?
-Is he the you serve just because of the promises of blessings and the promise of eternal life?
-Is he the one you serve just because you want protection from the evil in the world today?
-Is he the one you serve because of the testimonies you hear in church each sunday, the miracles you see done on tv or on the internet?
-Is he the God of your parents, your pastor, your church leaders?
-Is he the one you spend some time with in the morning or at evening just because you were brought up that way, and it has become tradition to have it that way?

Who am I to You?

You will see if you can read from verse 1 that Jesus asked that question of his disciples just after the Pharisees and Saduccees asked him from a sign from heaven. I dont know what that says to you but this is what it says to me: Church leaders of those times had just come to have a chat with Him and had left and he was warning them to be careful of their messages, their belief, their doctrine. After they left, after a while, He asked his disciples two questions.
The first question "Who do men say I am?" the men of those times, the world of those times, whatever they said that was not important to Him. The same way in these times, people have different perceptions of God, who he is, what he is. And the truth is this, all that don't matter one bit. Not to you, not to me. The second question mattered more to Jesus. "But who do you say I am?" not who the pope says he is, nor the archbishop nor any other great men of God; T.D. Jakes, Bishop Adeboye, so many names, names of great men of God, not who they say God is. That is God for them, God based on their encounter with him. What of your own encounter with him?? In the time of Samuel, Samuel served his God not the God of Eli. In the days of Elijah, his God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also their God. The I am that I am to Moses his God, Emannuel to Isaiah, he could be Elshaddai, Elohim to you.

Who is He to you?

You can't open your door to the one you know not. You can't be searching for the God of all the great men of God and have Him, your personal experience of Him pass you by. You can't love one you don't know or seek who you don't know. All faith all hope is in vain if you don't know your God. Seek his face diligently as your Father, your Saviour not as the Jesus who Paul preached, or the Jesus preached in the churches.
I dont know who this is touching out there I dont know who is reading this message, but Jesus said this, as the greatest commandment. You shall love the Lord, YOUR GOD, with all your soul, all your strength and all your mind(Luke 10:27). In no way did he state the God of anyone else.

The year has started already, where are you with God?? Where is he in you??

My Cry, My Prayer
Every step I take away from you,
Is like a step away from peace,
From joy, from hope, from life.
My spirit dries up within me,
I earnestly desire to hear your voice,
Your touch, your warmth, your peace.
I am nothing without you,
I long for nothing without you,
You are my family, my joy, my all, my life
You are the reason I am all that I am
The reason for all I can ever be
All that I would ever want to be
Like a lost sheep away from his shepherd,
Like a deer panteth after water,
That Lord is how much I long for you.