
Thursday, December 31, 2009

The importance of right standing

It is more blessed to give service with true devotion than to receive mercy. What would it profit a man if he gains all he wants and loses what he needs(salvation)?

It is that day again, a day when many go to church to thank God for all that he has done for them in the year and to commit the next year into his hands. It is something that has become more or less a ritual to many, because on this day, year in year out, we are in church, not because we have to be, but because many believe it is wrong to be anywhere else. Many are in church on this night to go into the new year in God's presence and it has absolutely no impact on how they actually do live their lives in the following year. I came across a passage recently, a passage that reminds me of this, it talks about fasting but then, I think it goes far beyond fasting and focuses on the very lives we live as God's people.
Isaiah 58:2-5 it talks about a people that seek God daily, doing his ways like righteous people when in reality they were not. A people who acted like they loved God but could not in reality show the love they had for God to their fellow men.
Jesus put it plainly saying, by their fruits you will know them, it is not about what you profess to be, it is the results that will be used to determine who you really are. So you can live a life supposedly for God and at the end miss Him totally.(Matthew 7:15-23)
We are entering a new year, for most of us, we are entering the year in exactly the same mood as we have entered the previous years, right there in God's presence, but then what will make this year different from the previous ones? This is a question I have asked myself for the past couple of weeks, it is a question I have asked on close examination of myself, and my life this year and in the past years. And no, I dare not enter this year the same way I have entered all the previous ones. This year I want to be different and hence the reason for the topic.
Right standing as I define it today, is right standing in the eyes of God, being where He wants you to be, both with God himself and with men. Now while this may be seen as being righteous, I want to leave it as it is. Now there are two kinds of right standing, the one that comes from self and the one that comes from God. I differentiate them today as this;
Self right standing: Involves doing all the things I feel are right so as to get into heaven, doing all the things I feel are right to make me look good in the eyes of men.
True right standing: Involves doing all the things I know God wants me to do, not so I can get into heaven but so that through them I can glorify His name here on earth. While it may not make me a fan of all men, all the people that see would know that indeed it is a product of true relationship with God
Why do I make this distinction? All through the bible, there are men of God who have been recognized not just for the lives they lived, but because they were seen to be on right standing with God. From Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel all through the scriptures to Paul. Men who put what God wanted, above all else. Men who lived lives that men saw and glorified God for. But then what did they gain? What is the big deal about right standing?
Mathew 6:33: Seek the kingdom of God first and all these shall be added to you, these meaning all what was mentioned in Matthew 6:25-32, what to eat, what to wear, where to stay and your life as you don't know it.
Psalm 1:3: To be like a tree planted by rivers of water. No matter the season, you shall remain strong and whatsoever you do shall prosper. Having Matthew 6:33 in mind that is seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness in all you do. Having in mind that in all you do you are where God wants you to be, you shall prosper.
2 Peter 1:3-11: What Peter considered a blessing and a fulfillment of God's promise was not riches, not silver, gold or long life, but protection from the world; the corruption in it through lust (vs 4). Having in mind that in lust, we have the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh.
So many promises, no weapon fashioned against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17), all things will work for your good (Romans 8:28). All dependent on your standing with God.

Your desire to live right, your desire to depend solely on God for your deliverance, total dependence on the work done on the cross, your faith in the death of Christ. your faith in the only living God, what counts as your right standing, sets you at the start of the race track to life...
By one man we were doomed by Adam, by another we all were saved, by Christ, that all who believe, all who have faith in Him will see eternal life.
Why do I say right standing sets you at the beginning of the race track? Jesus spoke of what happened at the end, the ones who thought they were living right (one can say running the race, fighting the good fight) Christ said to them depart from me, I know you not. They were not recognized. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. You cant confess with your mouth and not believe in your heart, that is living an empty and hollow life. You can't believe in your heart and not confess with your mouth (by confessing with your mouth I am talking about showing it not just in your speech but in the very life you live), it reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan. It is one thing to feel pity but if it is not shown then it is of no use whatsoever.
Reminds me of the parable about the two sons, one said he would go meaning it but never did. The other said he never would but eventually did due to his change of heart.
Believing in your heart qualifies you, saves you, but then salvation is only the first bit... Faith as small as a mustard seed... But then it grows, you start the race, you don't just stay at the starting line, you actually run the race. You believe in your heart why not proclaim with your life? It is a new year, a year that I dare not go through in the same way I went through the previous ones. How about you?

Friday, December 25, 2009

His Birthday... Even a manger will do.

A man and a woman, heavy with child, searching for a place to lay their head for the night. Funny, would have thought that a man like Joseph would at least have had a family home to stay in, but he didn't. The bible says they searched long and hard that night, but they were turned away at every door. Was it cold that night? I don't know, was it raining? I have no idea. I do know this for sure, that they were turned away at every door. They got to one however, where they were offered not a room in the place, but a space in the stables. A place which Joseph took gladly so Mary could lay her head. Trying to be as comfortable as they could, that was where our Savior was born.
It is another year, another Christmas. A time to be of good cheer, a time to be with friends and loved ones, a time for Santa, sales and shopping, a time to share gifts, party and have fun, a time for all you can eat. A time people generally come together to celebrate Christmas.
Now the question is this, if it was my birthday, what would I want? Gifts? Oh yes, but then what can you give someone who already has it all? What do you have to offer? Coming to mind this day is a verse I love, a verse made more important on this day chosen to be His birthday
Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service

For the people who go to church and the ones that don't I ask the same question, what do you hold in mind all through today? A time of laughter? A time to celebrate? A time to share gifts? What is it?
At a time where Santa Claus is more widely recognized than the one for whom we really celebrate, there is another verse that does come to mind from scripture
Rev 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Why these 2 verses? To celebrate a birthday, two things are needed. First the Celebrant, secondly a gift for Him. Many have gone through this day, every year not giving room for any and I wonder... How different are we from the innkeepers back then who refused to give room for Joseph?
People back in the day, at least Jesus got room in a stable, at least he got gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Today we leave him outside to be born in the cold, with no gifts whatsoever and we say we celebrate Christmas?
At this time and age where Santa is more recognized than baby Jesus, I say this, even a manger will do, just let Him in. Give space for Him in your heart. I will also say this however, that if the people of those days knew what you know now about my Savior and God, many and I mean many would have gladly given up their rooms and even whole inns for his birth.

Merry Christmas people...
As always, have a good one.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sacrifices. offerings and my relationship with God...

A loving relationship is not characterized by the amount of gifts you give or receive. It is characterized by the value you place on the person and how you actually treat that person in your daily life. Things that come from within not without

A time where sacrifices, offerings and blessings are become what takes the leading roles in the life of people, I wonder whether the desire for blessings usually characterized by the giving of gifts and offerings are backed up by a desire for God. A desire to love and know Him a desire to worship Him not just in words but in deeds, not just in church but with the very lives we live. We have a God who sees all, who knows all, knows the depths of the heart of man, both what man reveals and what man chooses to keep secret.
A look to different scenes in the bible at different times from the very beginning to the end to check out how people in the bible gave...

Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:2-7): Two different sacrifices, one from the first fruits of his hand, the other just from the fruits of his hand. While it is important to note the use of the first fruits, I however believe that of equal or more importance is what is noted in verse 6 and 7 "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Of equal importance to God was the state of Cain's heart and not just his sacrifice, the reason why his offering was not accepted.

Abraham (Genesis 13:14-18): It was after Abraham, obeyed God after a while, by totally leaving his family as God commanded him to that God actually came and reminded him again of the promise and the reason He commanded him (Abraham) to leave his father's house in the first place. It goes beyond the sacrifice Abraham made and centre on his obedience, far more important to God.

There are so many stories in the bible from the story of Saul (1 Samuel 15:22), to the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). Saul lost his kingdom, Ananias and Sapphira lost their lives. The widow who gave 2 mites was the one that gave the least in the eyes of men but gave the greatest in the eyes of God, because she gave right. David talked about not giving to God that which cost him nothing and I wonder about the idea of giving God because you want Him to bless you back threefold, fourfold and tenfold. Is that what motivates me to give? If it is then does God accept the offerings I give? Jesus spoke about going back to ask your brother who you have wronged to forgive you before you actually give anything to God; Why was that? Because in giving an offering you and not your offering have to come to God acceptable unto Him present yourself as a living sacrifice before God FIRST, before anything else (Romans 12:1).

Looking through the bible we will see over and over again that although God loves the sacrifice we bring before Him, what matters to Him the most is the state of my heart, the state of my life, that is what makes my sacrifice acceptable to Him.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

To be or not to be: At peace with all men...

Romans 12:18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

As much as it depends on you. I used to think that this passage meant that I should try until I could try no more. Hold unto my anger till it was about to blow and then really, really blow. Try for maybe a day or two, show some love until it seems like it is all falling to dirt and then let it go. Just let it go and you will be fine. That was all that mattered. Truth is, there is so much tied into the scripture that just glancing through it at most times just isn't enough. You actually do need the Spirit within to guide you, speak to you and reveal to you or else, you could read the whole bible several times and never really gain understanding.

First question is... How do I live my life? Not talking about living with people at the moment, but on my own, how much do I cherish the life I live, the breath I take in everyday. What is most important to me? The greatest commandments of all as Jesus said are given in Mark 12:30-31. First love God with all you have and all you are, then love your neighbor's as much as you love yourself. A while back I wondered why it had to be so and then it hit me... Sometimes you are at an all time low, self confidence is at its lowest. If the love meter had a gauge yours would be hitting the low 30's that is if it even got to get above the 25 mark. Even then the love meter should hit a steady 100 for God (even if you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death (Ps 23:4)) after all He is always with you, watching and keeping you. So then, the way you live your life truly determines how you live with others and especially how you treat them. However if a man or woman, truly lives for God, then we will become more and more like Christ each day and the old nature that was us, with Christ will be put off not automatically but through our conscious efforts to not just put off the old nature but to keep it off.
Secondly, to be at peace, you have to have love, not just for God but for your fellow men at least as much as you do love yourself. And this is where there is a problem; after-all there are people who are not so great and are not so deserving of it. Romans 12:9 talks about pretending to love others. That by itself is a hard pill to swallow because in most cases as long as I can coexist with people not really having to talk to them it is fine right(and I am not talking about people you walk past on the streets, but people you live with and yes, people you go to church with)? There are quite a number of times I have said, if not for God I would have done this or done that... And I just wonder, how many people do the things (the good ones) they do out of sincere/grudging love. God sees the heart anyways not just the action. He looks inwardly at the heart of man, to see the true intent of our actions.
Matthew 5:38-48 sums up living at peace with all men. From turning the other cheek if offended, to allowing yourself to be cheated. From loving those that hate you, to blessing and praying for those who have the intent to do you harm. It is not an easy thing to do by ones self. But the same Spirit that was in Stephen, when he was being stoned hasn't changed till date, the same Spirit that was in Jesus when He was being crucified is still there today, the same Spirit that was in Joseph throughout the time when he was on the wrong side of justice for things he didn't do, is still the same today as it was back then.

As much as it lies with you, live at peace with all men... As much as it lies with you, turn the other cheek, if you are sued for little, give extra, love your enemies, pray for them that persecute you. If men must hate you, let them hate you for what you are not, not for what you are..
You are not a liar, a cheat, a troublemaker, a backbiter. You are a child of the living God. Let your light shine.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

To be or not to be: A representative of Christ.

Two things came to my mind recently

• First was a race track and an athlete. In running a race, the worst thing you can do is look behind at the track you just covered, you miss out on where you should be going and you don't focus on where you should be, you miss out on two things. Two hours, days, months, years ago, you were most likely great in the kingdom, doing things for God and all. Right now maybe you are still great still doing things, maybe you are not, but then where is your focus? On the things that are and could be or the things that were?
• We all have or at least most of us have watched the movie 300, there was a part of the movie that struck me, the part where the king of Arcadia asked Leonidas why he brought so few men... Leonidas made a very fine distinction between the men of Sparta and Arcadia.. Spartans being born warriors, all they did was fight and die in battle and they spent every day of their lives living towards that purpose.
Why these two thoughts, we say we are children of God, and are representatives yet most times we specify when we chose to act our role as representatives rather than live our every moments to the glory of God. Put on the whole armor of God; from the breastplate of righteousness to the sword of the spirit. A good warrior is known not just by his known fighting ability of old but by his readiness for battle. A warrior's blade is never dull, but is kept sharp at all times. Our sword is the word, the word of God and it is kept sharp by our constant reading and meditation. We are however more than soldiers, we are the light and flavor of the world and anything other than that isn't.

I look at two different people from the bible Daniel and Paul. One thing characterized the life of Daniel, his daily life of meditation and his knowledge of God's word. Even at the cost of his life he kept to his lifestyle not compromising it for one bit.
Paul had three missionary journeys. Three not one, not one of them was first class, not one of them was rosy and the third one actually led to his death. One would have been just fine, two would have been wonderful. Enough to be proud of for the rest of his life but he didn't dwell there but kept on pressing on for what he believed and for what he stood for.
We all have individual swords in our individual lives, our knowledge of God's word and our ability to meditate on it. We cannot and I mean cannot use another man’s sword to fight our battles. It could and probably would lead to disaster (ask the sons of Sceva, Acts 19:13-16).
We all have our individual races to run, races determined by God (before you were born He knew you). There is only one athlete on that track and that you. The christian life is no competition no one answers to God but you so there is no need to use people you think you are better than to console yourself and stay where you are. Press on and keep pressing to the very end. Not just in words and deeds but by the very lifestyle you live.
There is a warning in the passage (Matthew 21:28-32), a warning Jesus gave during his time on earth, a warning I believe so properly describes the world today. We spend so much time haggling about the readiness of others that most times we fail to miss the fact that the time spent in analyzing others is time not spent preparing ourselves (hence the individuality of our race).
Also as a soldier there was a warning Paul gave to Timothy about getting entangled with the affairs of this world (2 Tim 2:3-4). Entangled meaning so wrapped up in it that you forget who you are, a soldier, ambassador, temple, a representative of God. We are who we are not just because it feels good to be so; we are here because it is what we were called out to be. Finally there is the passage from Ephesians 6:11-18

11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The various parts of our armor that makes us what we are. Lack of one or more of them makes us ineffective soldiers. As a soldier polishes his armor and sharpens his sword, in the same way we ought to exercise the various parts to be able to use them fully as they ought to be.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

To be or not to be a vessel of honour

We were all made for a reason, made for a purpose, and all we do, all we experience in life most times is tailored to that purpose. We try so often to shut out who we are meant to be, we try to lay low and be anonymous, we try to close our eyes to the world because leaving them open makes us care, pulls out the us within us, the one we try so hard not to be. Or we add so much to who we are that it gets so difficult to remember what makes us, what differentiates us from everyone else.
The question today like the topic says, "to be or not to be" the person God created you to be.

To be or not to be, a vessel to honour: 2 Tim 2:20 says, in a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble...
Funny how nowadays we as christians we either want all the power, to preach, to teach, to heal, cast out demons, do everything we have seen great men of God do regardless of God's calling on our lives... On the other hand, we have people who want nothing to do with all of that, thinking in their minds that it is too much to ask of God, wanting just to go to heaven in their quiet state also regardless of God's calling on their lives. Sound like anyone you know?? Cos that used to be me. The very next verse gives an answer... It don't matter where, what or who you are, whether gold, silver, wood or clay, whether on the pulpit or at the very back of the church. 2 Tim 2:21 if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the master and prepared to do any good work. vs 22-25 sheds more light on this.
Now the latter refers to ignoble purposes and ignoble means completely lacking nobility in character, quality or purpose. Reminds me of Philipians 4:8 (whatever is good, pure, noble, e.t.c. Should be thought of)... All that needs to be done is to be cleansed of ignoble purposes and you can be used to do any good work, and I believe the word "any" is used because it is determined not by you but by our Father in heaven. There are two sides of a coin to the general belief of perfect in God's eye. On one hand, which is before He calls you, we should be seeking him with all our hearts, living blameless lives, perfect in our own eyes, before we can be in His. On the other hand, after we are called, we see ourselves sitting in absolute glory here on earth, speaking out and seeing things happen, fighting legions of demons or so pure and holy that nothing should withstand us. We have created a stereotype of the before and the after that sub-consciously we believe that God can't possibly use us. Looking through the bible, the only thing that qualified the people God used was that God looked at them and chose them, the only thing that qualified them after they were called was that the obeyed God totally. Its not where you are at the moment, but who you are, the you God and God alone sees, the you He knows you are capable of being, a vessel of honour. Once he calls you what to do? The one thing each and every disciple Jesus called did. Leave all that you are and follow Him, let him sort you out in His way, trust Him to, and He will. There are many vessels of gold and silver, some of wood and clay, some to noble purposes, some to ignoble. Phillip probably did a lot of wonderful things, but in Acts he was mentioned just speaking to an eunuch, led by God. John stayed in the wilderness all through his ministry and ended up beheaded, led byy God, Samuel was a little boy when he was called and grew up to be the greatest judge of Israel's time, led by God. Saul was on his way to murder christians when he was called, ended up spreading the gospel the furthest it had ever been, led by God. He is knocking at your door, seeking to fellowship with you, you don't have to be up there, you don't have to be perfect, all God needs is a vessel, whether gold, silver, wood or clay don't matter, what matters is that you put aside all that will shield you from His presence, all that makes you ignoble.
To be or not to be a vessel of honour, a choice totally up to you, after the choice? Leave it all to Him.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Let your light so shine...

Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
Now the question on my mind today comes from the term good deeds. Good deeds, good works, different versions of the bible have different terms they use for it. It is easy to pick out a meaning as you see fit and believe you are shining out as a light to glorify your father in heaven. Today I see it as far beyond the daily works we do out in the open for men to see, not just the basic good doings in life but also what men see w hen they look at you. I look at some of the great men of old and when I think of them I try to write out what I remember about them, what I would like to learn from them.

Abraham: Was a great man in his time, did a lot of wonderful things I am sure, one of which was defeating an entire army with a handful of men, but the one thing we remember him for was his lifestyle, a life of faith.

Moses: When I think of Moses, I don't think of a man that parted waters, broke rocks or prayed for manna to fall from heaven, I see a man that was constantly interceding on behalf of the house of Israel, a humble man, a man who saw God, not the mighty works he did, but his everyday duties.

David: Was not as great a king as his son Solomon, but he is remembered for one thing that no other king of Israel has been remembered for since. He was a man after God's own heart.

Daniel: No doubt lived a good life, he did good deeds, no doubt, but what caused him to turn a nation around were not his good deeds, but his lifestyle, the very life he lived to diligently serve God.

Its not just enough to do good, because anyone can do good at any time. The sun shines on all men both good and evil, and both good and evil men would see a baby and smile. Any man with the right priorities would not lie, not steal, would obey all the laws of the land, but we are not living a life of laws and commandments, we are living a life of complete obedience and total surrender to God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A life like my Savior did, where the only bad thing men can say about you is that you love your Father and you are totally obedient to Him.

Romans 12:1-2 says
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

verse 9-18 also says
9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.
14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.
17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

The life you were, that you are no longer, the candle that was out, that is now on... That is your light,, not just the words you speak, but the proof that of a truth your life has changed. The putting off the old nature that was death and the putting on of the new nature that is life, not just life but your lifestyle. A lifestyle that speaks of change. A lifestyle that when people see, they can see the difference in you, not in some areas, but in all areas. Most of all they should see a willingness in you to stay changed stay different no matter the cost.
A light that men will see and glorify your Father in heaven, your life. Not so you get the praise, but so men can see God in you and thank Him for the change in your life. That men can see and know that indeed there is hope in this dark world. Your light...
A light shining not of morals, or laws, but of love, love for God and love for men.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What do you expect??

Woke up this morning earlier than I would have wanted, thanks to a call from my dad who must have forgotten he is one hr ahead. Natural tendencies would have moved me back to bed but am up, pondering... Out of my mind now and into yours...
What are your expectations from God for your life and in situations? Matthew 7:7-11 talks about asking and while that can and is used as a sermon, it is not the focus today. So you have asked, after the prayer, the moaning, fasting and all, what do you expect? Before Christ was born, Israel had prayed for a redeemer for so long, they got more than they bargained for, they got the Son and Elijah but because their expectations were set so low/high they missed out entirely on what they could have achieved.

Ask and it shall be given to you, whose child would ask for bread and be given a stone? But then what are your expectations? What is your bread? The woman that nagged the unjust judge nagged for something we most times overlook, she asked for justice. Sometimes we focus so much on the asking, we fail to check our expectations and heart desires and then we seek the stones rather than the bread.

Knock and the door will be opened? No doubt, but there are 2 doors/gates, the wide one which leads to destruction(easily opened I must add) and the strait one which leads to eternal life. Again I ask, what are your expectations? You expect easy? Then the path behind the strait door will not sit well with you.
Seek and ye shall find? Here there is no need to talk or debate because the Word says, seek ye FIRST the kingdom and the knocking and the asking(lol) shall and will be added unto you.

What are your expectations? God has never ever ceased to amaze people who expect him to simply move... His way not theirs. A man raising his arms doing the will of God, caused the leap year as we know it. Many examples are scattered all over the bible, Abraham, expected a son and became the father of nations...
Matthew 7, talks of a lifestyle that should be lived not just about the asking.
What do you expect? Seek God first and He will surprise you. Let God set your standards.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The very thin line...

I have heard many a gist about the large gray area between black and white or good and evil. Yin and yang and all the many other names that they could be called. And in the midst of all this I have heard of the very large gray area, where all that men think is right can be put in comfortably. Now I wonder and I really wonder if there is a de-militarized zone between light and darkness. Matthew 6:24 answers this very bluntly saying; no one can serve two masters. 1 John 1:5 puts it even better by saying, God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Looking at this passage I wonder whether God in all His might and power would enter into diplomatic relations with the devil to decide what is right or wrong. It can either be God's way or every other way. Meaning light or darkness, and the in-between definitely does not look gray. In reality it is actually a really thin line where the light does not spill into the dark or vice-versa.

In the computer world there is a way hackers get into systems and networks, and they do so not by posing as what shouldn't be, but as what could be. What I am trying to say is; if your beliefs and everything you stood for (both for yourself and in Christ), could be put in a bucket, rather than put holes in a bucket which shouldn't be, the bucket is made bigger so more beliefs can be put in.
Since the line between light and dark cannot be broken(in reality), we have a world where that line is constantly being tampered with in our minds and in our everyday lives. And one may ask how? By either pushing the line back or forward, we either accommodate more or less in our lives and end up being in places other than where God has meant to be. It started in the garden of Eden, when Eve was tempted, not by being told to do wrong, but by questioning her sense of right and wrong, it goes on even today. We have adults who when children, didn't like smokers or drunks, had no idea about sex or where disgusted by the very thoughts of it, guys who when they were little thought kissing was gross, girls who thought the very idea of sex was revolting. As kids we had very rigid ideas based on our upbringing of right and wrong. And why I would love to wonder where everything went wrong. But then really it doesn't really take too long to wonder why.

We grow up in a world where movies, series, songs, promote the idea that sex, drugs and booze are cool. Where pre-marital sex is normal, and it is ok to live with people of the opposite sex like a couple without getting married, it is now cool to sleep with as many people as possible and very uncool to stay a virgin on your wedding day. A world where self is valued more than value to the society. A world where ordinary cartoons for kids are filled with innuendos, either graphical or speechwise, all aimed at getting us to feel that a lot of things that shouldn't be could be.
The definition of a subliminal message is "A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems"
We are bombarded daily with messages, from the tv, radio and even from the internet, hints suggestions that don't lower our defenses but move the line forward step by step, inch by inch to the point where we begin to think being gay is not so bad, fornicating is not so bad, living comfortably with people of the opposite sex and having all we can is not so bad, the examples are countless. And we say we have grace and we have God's love, after all He loves us just the way we are. Yes He does, no doubt, but then that is why He sent His Son to die for us, not so we can remain the way we are but so we can turn our lives around to be just the way He meant us to be, line intact exactly where it should be.
So yes I have given my life to Christ and I am a new creature, all true but you are still subject to the flesh. I think of Daniel and I wonder what kept him strong in Babylon, a strange land with strange customs and beliefs, even when his peers where falling astray, Daniel 1:8, he made his decision in his heart and didn't just let it stay there but spoke out about it. I don't know how many of us (like me), have made a decision to serve but just let it stay in our heart and not spoken out when we should have. Esther nearly did the same and it would have cost her, her people and like her uncle told her eventually it would have cost her as well. Esther 4: 8-12 (12 When Esther's words were reported to Mordecai, 13 he sent back this answer: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"). You are who you are for a purpose, light of the world and salt of the earth and staying silent at a time like this would only defeat the purpose for which you are...
Two different portions of the scripture which I share here,
Ephesians 4: 17-24
17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.

20You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. 21Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Romans 12: 1-2
1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual[a] act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Constant renewal of the mind, renewal of the mind in Christ, a sure way of achieving this is by constantly searching the scriptures. This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but thou shall meditate on it day and night... (Joshua 1:8). It is easy to get comfortable being just ok, but that is not your calling is it, to get you and just you to heaven. Go into your world and preach the gospel, go and shine out as a light to all nations, go out and be the salt, a flavor in a constantly darkening tasteless world.

It is your choice, but the truth remains what it is, the truth. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. You cannot say you are in the light and still have darkness in you, you cannot have a light and hide it under your bed either.
Matthew 5:14-16
14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Stay blessed

Saturday, October 17, 2009

When God says I am...

I was sitting at home when the words came to me, "I am". Two words God used to describe Himself not once but over and over again. Have you ever wondered why it is always this statement; "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob"? It is never I was the God but now I will be your God. That statement mentioned over and over again. God has not changed, he never will. The same promises made back in the day, still apply to us.
Genesis 15:1, God says to Abram, I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward. God promises Abram a child which He got 25 years later. 25 years of walking in faith.
Genesis 17:1, God says to Abram, I am the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou perfect. God promises Abraham many children, many nations and the land he was standing on. A promise Abraham never saw with his eyes.
What am I saying here because am not writing to say bedtime stories.
Look at your hands as you read this, those hands you may have wondered about; are they good enough? Can they do the work? You think you know what them hands are capable of? Moses had a staff, for a long time it was used for everyday purposes and Moses thought he knew what that staff could do. When God opened his eyes, Moses fled (Exodus 4:3). A dried up staff, but after God spoke, after He said "I am", situations changed. Look at those hands again, do you know what they are capable of? Sure you do but surely your maker knows better.
Situations are getting difficult, seems there is no way out of this one. For once you are truly and fully stuck, stuck because listening to God put you in all this trouble? Am not talking about Joseph, I am talking about you and me. That used to be a difficult thing for me to truthfully say in times of trouble (thank God for grace) mainly because I thought I was wise but then that is another story. It is the one thing Moses had going for him when he was faced with the red sea and had Egyptians coming up from behind. Moses cried out for help and God answered immediately., not by pouring fire from heaven, but by asking Moses to use the same staff he had used before.
Now to get to the point because there are so many stories in the bible...
When God says I am, He can turn situations around,
Gideon and Moses situations, where you feel you are of no use and that where you are is good enough for you.
Red sea situations, where it seems there is no other way for you to go but up, to cry out to Him
Elijah, Job and Jonah situations, where you are so frustrated that you practically want to end your life. Not just by killing yourself but by going back on all you have stood for so far. Curse God and die? God forbid. Having done all to stand then please still stand.
It goes far beyond the circumstances and situations we find ourselves in and dives deep into the lives we live because faith goes beyond the words we speak and goes into the very lives we live to back it up.
When God says I am, its not just about staffs turning into snakes or red seas parting, its not just about fishmode transportation or signs and wonders, it goes far beyond that. It involves my representation of that statement "I AM". A child of God, a heir of the father in deeds and not just in words, in spirit and in truth. The statement that I also AM, like my Father is, everyday of my life, going out to preach the gospel, that Christ died for me and that this is my testimony...

What I was that I am no longer,
What I AM that I was not before.
A child, a son, a heir.
Not through the words I speak,
But through the life I live..

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The way that seems right...

The way that seemeth right to a man, the end leads to destruction (Proverbs 14:12)... A scripture my dad often reminded me of as a young boy growing up and till date it runs through my head at least every day (no lies), I add to that the scripture that the foolishness of God is wiser than men (1Cor 1:25) (and I would love to say that the wisdom of God is foolishness to men) and you have a very good decision making pattern. And am not talking of d obvious decisions like reading to pass or working for bread, I am talking of the puzzling decisions of life.

Who chooses to stay in a wilderness over staying in plush land? That was like picking hardship over comfort. Abraham did and at the end, Lot lost everything and Abraham gained a lot in return for making perhaps the silliest decision he had ever had to make and it was right after then that God made His promise to Abraham (Genesis 13)…

Simple instructions were given to Saul and he went ahead and did all that he was supposed to, all but some. And it cost him his kingdom (1Samuel 15)

It was a simple decision to make, eat the meals provided for you. One problem though they had been offered to the gods of the land first. Well I would have said pray over the food before you eat it, but then Daniel and his friends didn’t, and they were the only ones among all their brethren to do so. What happened after was a result of the choice they made from the beginning (Daniel 1).

He was a son of one of the High priests of the land meaning good education, sound upbringing with the customs and laws of the land at the very least. Not much has been said about his life as a child but I want to dare to assume as much. However he left it all to stay in the wilderness dressed in camel’s hair. Eating “wild” honey and locusts wouldn’t have been Zechariah or Elizabeth’s ideal life for their son. What many of us in these days would call foolishness of the highest order.

So many examples written of old and seen today in the lives of people around us, so many of which have been laughed at but have turned out to not only be the right thing but have exceeded all expectations. Reading the book of Ecclesiastes made me realize why Solomon could be called the wisest man on earth, not just because of his God given brains but because he tried everything I could ever want to try as a young man, and he called it all foolishness, everything but the fear of God. I don’t know how many times I have ended up in the wrong place for paths I took not because I didn’t know what to do but because what to do was so silly I decided not to. I have however been on the right path a number of times as well not because I wanted to, but because after a long struggle against the right thing I was put into so many unforeseen circumstances I had to make the silly choice.

The way that seemeth right to a man, the end is destruction. It is better to trust in the foolishness of God than in the wisdom of men.

There are always two sides to a story,
The part I see and the part you see,
Don't judge me until you walk in my shoes,
for some, the shoes are comfy,
For many others, the shoes do hurt.
Simple question rarely if ever asked,
Who got you the shoes you are wearing?
Where they gotten by chance?
Or did you pick and try them out first,
Before putting them on?

They say once bitten twice shy,
But then why flirt around the same issues?
You already know what happens at the end
Humans adapt they say,
So y flirt the exact same way u did,
Three, four, five times ago?
O Lord your grace is sufficient for me,
Even when I willingly sin just 3 times more.
Christ died once to save u from your sins.
You have been saved once already,
Y go through the process again?
He is faithful and just to cleanse me,
Again and again? 70*7?
Even d prodigal son repented just once.

You say u serve, but are so quick to turn,
Turn when things seem difficult,
When you seem to put up with things so unfair.
True you can complain of your rights...
But after you have been whipped and scourged,
Hung on a cross and left for dead,
Abandoned by all you know in your hour of need,
And still not uttered a word?
Then you can boldly say you know the difference
The difference between right and wrong
The reward is not on earth but in heaven.
The ones on earth are just by-products.
By-products not the final goal.
There are many ways for a man,
There is however only one way with God.
His way, your choice. His service, His choice

Let Him step in

I started writing this not too long ago when things where looking shaky in my life and I was thinking about quitting... Not thinking of quitting God(God forbid), but thinking about withdrawing back to the hard inaccessible shell that most of us withdraw to during hard times. Withdrawing as I used to call it to protect myself. Everything happens for a reason yes and sometimes it is easier, a lot easier, to say a story after you have had the happy ending, easier to recite the stories five years on when everything has been sorted out and we are all the happier. It is a lot harder to say those stories when they are happening to you and they are happening to you at the moment. Like Juanita Bynum said in her book "No more sheets", people are more likely to listen to you if you relate with them based on what they are going through. As i thought of quitting, one sentence popped into my head, the last thing I wanted to hear at that moment not because it was wrong but because it would have meant me doing the very opposite of what I wanted to do in my heart a simple sentence "Let Me step in" and immediately I remembered Rev 3:19 and 20. There are several people from the bible I reminded myself about, not just because they were great but because they were human.

Now I don't know how many people here have had their life put on the line for the thing they cared about the most. To Abraham it happened twice (not counting Isaac) when not one but two different kings took his wife away from him. He lied to save his life and while right now to many people it makes a good reading, I tried to imagine what it would have been like for him that night, his fear of death, the fear that made him give up Sarah/Sarai, his despair, his pain. I wonder what pushed God to step in, I mean back in the day people pretty much did anything they wanted. I didn't have to wonder too much to go back to Rev 3:20. He opened the door to his life for God to step in and stay in and his life pretty much says the story. Reading on Isaac did the same thing (and looking at them all it is little wonder Jacob was as smart as he was strong dominant genes must show)

Abraham's grandson Joseph, started out as a dreamer and a spoilt child a guy am sure would have been very annoying. He was sold into slavery and an insight into the kind of life he lived after then was shown when potiphar's wife confronted him. Now as we all know egyptian women back in the day were Egyptian women. He stayed strong not because of Potiphar but because it would be a wicked thing against his God (Genesis 39:8). And that egyptian woman did not come in one day (as I once believed). She worried Joseph daily (a worrior indeed) to the point where she had to take action. We know JOseph's story, I won't even try to put myself in his shoes (I can't dare) but he stayed strong and because he opened the door to his heart and God stepped in and stayed in, we know the happy ending...

Moses, saved from certain death by what I would call a divine hand.I won't go into much talk but go straight to the point. Moses could have been said to be hard and hot tempered, tome right now, Moses was one of the most humble men in the bible. There is a reason why He was the only person that spoke to God face to face and knew it. Two questions I ask here; if you were leading the Israelites of that time and went through all they put Moses through, what would you do(I mean a journey that was supposed to take not more than a year took 40 and that is not even a bit of what he went through)? If you had a choice, punish someone yourself or leave God to do it, I mean if God gave you that choice which would you pick(I would personally drink gold flavoured water any day than let God have a go at me in his anger)? Moses opened up and let God step in and stay in...
We have Daniel, Samuel, ELijah and Elisha, Esther, Job, the prophets, David, the apostles, different people who opened up and stayed open and through them, God did mighty things here on earth.

Now what point am I trying to make (to me first and then to everyone else)...
I used to run my life like a JVC (Joint venture company to all who don't know). Me having 70% of my life and God having 30% or less. My life on sundays and some mornings, and me having all the rest. Meaning in times of credit crunches and financial crisis, heart aches and burns, general problems, work problems, family problems and school problems I ran to "my Lord" for a bailout. Forgetting all the pensions and salaries I paid to the CEO's in my life, the investment mistakes I made with my time and the places I hung out. The words I said and exposed myself to... In summary letting God step in only when I needed Him to. I thought of this a while ago about it not being about getting broken and having God fix you but staying broken so He never has to leave. Its not about getting the bailout every now and then, but its about handing your JVC to the right government... No one can serve two masters, you can't be lukewarm, you can't be a fence straddler, not if you want God to stay in.
Looking through the bible, apart from when men of God cried out for forgiveness when they strayed, I can't remember a place where they actually prayed to God about wanting something for themselves. I wonder whether it was because they didn't need anything. SOlomon asked for wisdom to rule his people. NOt wisdom for himself. Abraham didn't ask to be a father of many nations, Enoch didn't ask for God to come and carry him to heaven and neither did Elijah, Elisha on his dying bed did not ask for healing, Jesus dying on the cross only mentioned these words, if it is your will, then let it be done. What am I saying, letting God step in takes trust, trusting that He will take care of you and sort you out, letting God step in means that He makes the decisions and you follow. It means that as a representative the only thing men should be able to say about me that is bad is that I serve God and him alone... There is so much but then finally I will say it involves being at peace with all men sorry I mean ALL MEN!!! A lot of things I used to take on the surface that now have a much deeper meaning to me.

God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all, when He steps in, that light shines fromw within, it shines out to the whole world and gives us peace from within, peace with all men notwithstanding the conditions but outshining it all. God stepping in and taking total control gives us right standing with Him making us be exactly where He wants us to be and helps us identify the exact moment when He is out.


The hardest thing for a man to do is stand up when he feels at his weakest, to stand up and represent what he believes. To stand up up for one greater than he is, to represent God as He is, in honesty and in truth. Physician heal yourself people say and truth be told the hardest medicine to take sometimes is this one dished out by you. In the past couple of days I have been scared, worried, sad angry, a mixture of emotions, emotions that if told to me by others I would have answers to, been able to give comfort and give a shoulder of support. I have prayed for strength and peace to face what lies ahead. And I got a picture in my head but still, still I am hesitant, still I struggle with feelings that really I should not hold unto. So I am up this morning and I opened my bible to seek and hear God, and seek his peace; and the passage I opened up this morning was 1 Kings 19. The beginning of the last acts of Elijah before God took him.

Elijah was scared for his life, but then what touches me is what he did in his fear. He ran off to spend time with God not for strength or for peace but because he was tired of everything and he prayed to God to take his life and he actually lay down in acceptance of it (v 3-5). Now God answered Elijah immediately, sent ELijah an angel with food and a message. Elijah took the food and lay back down still in acceptance of the fate he had requested of God (ask and it shall be given to you right?). The angel had to come back a second time with more food and a specific message before Elijah got up from the point he was at to move to where God wanted him to be. Now in life there is God's way, and there is everything else. There is God's reason and there is every other reason on earth.
I found out on friday that I was to leave the UK and go back home, and to be truthful and honest I accepted it not because I wanted to but because it was an answer to a prayer I had been making for a while. And that prayer involves my life in all areas, unlike ELijah however I didnt pray for God to take my life, I prayed for strength and peace within to do all that He required of me through this period but then after I got an answer(immediately I must add), I lay back down still waiting and then all the feelings I mentioned initially came swarming around me. Friday night, saturday night and then tonight (or this morning). I don't know if anyone is going through the same or has gone through the same recently. Job? School? Family? Anything at all. Have you taken it to God in sincere prayer? Perhaps He has answered you, perhaps not, perhaps He has and you are still there praying that your will and not His be done in your life. Perhaps He has told you what to do next, the next step to take and you are waiting for the next three steps before you take the first one. I have done a lot in the last few days, spoken out my feelings, all I felt at that time, my fears and worries, some of my doubts to people, even after I had spoken to God and I look back now and I want to laugh and hide my face in shame. But then that is by the way. I will just share what I saw after my prayer with you, the response I got with my time out.

God is an artist, He painted the picture of your life, long before you were born and He called it perfect. The picture of your life as He sees it.
There are the bright spots on the picture, they represent the happiness, joy, good times, blessings, the times you give him pride and joy.
There are the dark spots, your pain, your tears, the times of doubt and fear, the times when you should depend on the Painter's paintbrush to guide you through it all.
Then there are the smudges, where you try to do the painter's job for Him, oh yes He put that into account because no matter how hard you smudge the painting you still have the chance to come back to the painter to set it right.

Now because we cannot see the pictures we go through all the spots one at a time. Don't fret, don't worry. God has looked at the whole picture and called it perfect. he is ever there; willing and ready to guide you through it all.
I have made many smudges like I probably have done this weekend, like Elijah probably did laying down there under a broom tree, but right after then was the brightest part of his picture.
Have you taken time out to pray? What is God saying to you? Please don't wait for the donkey to speak before doing what has to be done(private joke).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


You have all heard talk about taking the donkey to the water to drink but not being able to force the donkey to drink. I had an argument recently about making plans for the future and I was of the opinion that no matter how well you plan, you cannot account for the nature of humans, and the guy I was talking to was of the opinion you can.
I don't know what you all think, but then I know that most of us in life at the moment were not brought up to live the lives we are living at the moment and the few that actually are do so not because we were brought up that way but because we chose to stay that way. We have christians becoming muslims or atheists or following one religion or the other and vice versa. Rich sons becoming average or poor and poor sons becoming rich. All dependent not on their upbringing but on decisions made and the paths they choose to follow.
Different examples?
Joseph: brought up as a stay at home son, the favourite of the house. First son of the favourite wife, pampered, spoilt and a dreamer. Where was he headed? Good wife, good sons, some land and so, and in a genealogy it would be that he lived, had sons and died. What actually happened? God did. And a man's choice to serve, obey and follow was characterised by hardships, jail but eventually God's plan went through. Why? Because the donkey chose to drink.
David: brought up to be a shepherd, tending his father's sheep even in times of war, had somethings going for him, he was a good shepherd and a man after God's heart. His choice as a "donkey" to drink. And God called him up to be far above his expectations and that of his father.
There are so many examples in the bible, Paul, Peter, John, Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, even the father of faith Abraham, our saviour, you, me. The major thing in common with all these people was not just their upbringing or the plans their parents made, it wasn't even about the plans they made for themselves. It was that they chose to drink not just of any water, but from the living water.
Your parents can pray, your pastor can lay hands on you but all that does is take you to that river, the choice to actually partake of that depends on you. So finally the question I leave for you today is...
Where are you at the moment? Are you there because of the plans you made? The plans your parents made? Are you there because circumstances made it so or because God deemed it so? The one gift of life that should not be toyed with is freewill. If you are not where you are because you believe in your heart that it is where God wants you yo be then check urself. Inner joy and peace comes from right standing with God, which on its own means right standing with men...

Blessed are you when men hate and despise you because of your right standing with God (not because you really deserve to be so) a great reward awaits you in heaven(Matt 5:11-12)

You can take a donkey to the river but you cannot force it to drink, and that donkey will drink only if it sees the need to.
With God however, the key is not just to start drinking but to keep drinking. Many examples exist of people who did stop drinking and wanted to do things as they saw fit; Saul, Solomon, Jonah, etc.
It is not you who determines the life you live as a christian, but God. Any other factor would most likely lead you to someplac other than where He wants you to be.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My choice: To take up the cross and follow

There has been a though on my mind for a while now, the thought that I need to give my life to God. I thought about the numerous altar calls I have seen and even the ones I have taken part in; and looking back then and thinking of now, I wonder; when the word was said "you need to give your life to christ", How many people (and I mean the guy at the altar and everyone else responding) actually think about the implications of the call? It is so easy to go on my knees and ask for forgiveness from God, when everything seems fine and rosy, so easy to come out in front of crowds and have a man (any man of God) lay his hands on me and pray for me, I shed all the contrite tears I can muster and then I go right back to the way I lived initially, before I fell into the mess. Sound familiar?? I have said so many times before that I would try not to make the same mistakes I made before, do the same things I did but not let it get "too far"... But so often, so many times even when we find ourselves not falling into that same mess, we find ourselves falling into another one and then another one... And almost all the time we find ourselves at that same place on our knees looking for just another fix; a fix to the problems around us at that time.
At the end we have a people very much like you and I, very much like the children of Israel of old. Always wanting to do their will, not understanding what it means to be a chosen people, a chosen generation. Not understanding what it means to "give your life to Christ". We hear it, some of us have heard it so many times that it has become meaningless to us, some of us have spoken it so many times that it has lost its meaning as well...
Taking it literally saying the words, Lord I give my life to you should have a deep meaning. Saying Lord my life as I know it is yours, all I am, my thoughts, my words, my deeds. A lot of times this is not the case (atleast for me) mainly because I struggle to take up the life I have laid down for His will. I have thought about this for a while like I have said and the one thing that has been in my head since is this... "You need to give your life to Christ" I re-read Psalm 27 and after a very strange week where I had some really low times and some quite happy ones I looked at Psalm 27 v 4 and I understood why David was a man after God's heart...

It says

One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.

The whole Psalm says what he expects as a result of the only thing He did seek after. As a man, I have laid my life down and picked it up so many times to do as I pleased when I willed and the one man that had a right to do that (Jesus Christ) didn't. So what right do I have?? The bible says He was obedient even unto death. Obedient unto death... And because of that He has been placed above every other. Obedience that can only come from giving your life to God.
God sees, He knows and He is a merciful and understanding God, He sent a Son who gave a command; leave all and take up your cross and follow me.

A word that has been in my mind and in my heart. Give your life to God; a God fully capable of taking care of you.

Leave all the drama behind, all the things worrying you aside just for a moment and focus on this; focus on Him. What it costs doesn't matter because He is more than able to handle it.

A song for all to listen to...

My choice is to give my life to Him,
not just in times of need,
not just in times of rejoicing but always.
Every single day, for better or worse
In trials and tribulations,
Through my fears and tears...
Till death brings us together again
Even closer than this walk through life

Stay blessed..

Friday, August 7, 2009

My choice: What would it cost me??

It is a question that every now and then crosses the minds of believers; both old and new. It is a question that has crossed mine very often, and while I may want to admit that each time i thought of it I said "Here I am , send me", truth be told is that the thought used to freak me out. I have read about leaving family, all that you know; the job, the comfort of life. I have read about carrying your cross to follow; and truly cross does not mean anything good... I came across a reminder most recently; and an answer to the question and I thought it would be a good thing to write out my changed view on the cost of service.

At a time when we are being thought about being prosperous as a christian, about being the head and not the tail, and the many other things being thrown at us these days I can only help but wonder, what am I supposed to hold on to?? On one hand I have constant reminders that the road is not an easy one, on the other I have that all I have to do is follow some steps and all will be well. Confusing right? Well yes it was till I remembered different people in the bible...

  • A 75 year old man, called away from al he knew, to a place he did not know at all, a land God said He would show him. Several years later that same man older but not any wiser, chose the wilderness as a home over a plush green land (now how many of us would do that?? Slim, very slim chance I would)
  • A young boy, favourite of his father, hated by his brother, sold into slavery, slandered and if that was not enough, forgotten as well in prison.
  • A young lady, chosen for her beauty, stood in the face of death in support for her people.
  • A young boy anointed to be king, lived as a fugitive because he refused to take a stand for what could be seen as rightfully his.
  • Another young man, refusing long life and prosperity and opting instead for the wisdom to rule a nation.
  • A man, refusing to give up his beliefs; standing for what he believed even at the threat of death, at a time when a whole country was obedient to the law.

Am talking of Abraham, Joseph, Esther, David, Solomon and Daniel. Just some examples in the bible. People that were willing to give up family, an established life, comfort, a well paying job, things that where rightfully theirs and even their life. Am talking about a group of 12 men (later reduced to 11) who left all they knew, all they had at the call of our Savior to follow and serve Him. And I am like wow!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! That is huge, can I do that?? If it cost them all that then what would it cost me? What has it cost you??

I read this passage a while ago and I just think this could be a very good time to share it..

Luke 14:25-end

25Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

28"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? 29For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, 30saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'

31"Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.

34"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? 35It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Before you make the choice to serve, it is a good thing to realize the price and the cost of your choice; and that cost is everything, not the riches, the comfort or the family but you yourself, all you are. Make the choice to willingly follow, willing obey, and finally with much prayer and all your trust; stay in the Lord.

The one thing I failed to realize while freaking it out is this;

"The choice to serve could cost me everything,
But it can never cost more than my Lord and Savior can handle."

All the examples given above where not of people who thought of the cost of whatever decisions they made but people who realized the cost of not making that decision, people who realized that the God that brought them so far was more than able to keep and sustain them. That is enough for me and that should be enough for you.

Not the promises of blessings nor the fear of persecution but the knowledge that His grace is sufficient for you, and that truly He will never put on you more than you can bear.

"Thy will be done Lord, on earth as it is in Heaven. Daily"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The will of God!!!

Well chosen title, not just for the words but for the meaning behind the words, we all know the Lord's prayer; "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". i when we do say those lines do we really think about it, or deep down do we see it as us eventually doing the will of God when we get to heaven?
Its a new month, a time where I take some things into consideration, things coming between my will and God's will. I and the father are one Jesus said, one in all things, thoughts, words and deeds. I am not quite there yet, in fact am so far from there at the moment that it is amazing. Today am going back to John 17, I shared it yesterday but there is so much in it that points to the title that was lived in the life of our Savior that I can't just leave it right now, and probably never ever.
That whole chapter ( I don't know if y'all read it, but it did show me total conformity to the will of God; and I mean total) talked about two things, God's will and purpose in sending His Son than to earth; to die for our sins? Yes no doubt, but there is some more. ..

- Given power to give eternal life to as many as were given Him(i.e Jesus) vs 2-3. Eternal life is the knowledge of God and the one He sent to us, His Son. I checked out what the word knowledge means and it means, to get to know and understand.
- Manifesting God's name to the men given to HIm from the world vs (6, 7 & 8) knowing they are God's and them knowing that all things from tge Son are truly of God (Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven).
- Praying for the ones given to Him, not praying for the world vs 9 (now I have wondered what this could mean and I am still wondering, I am not quite lost yet) because they are the Father's.
- Verse 11-21, talks about a lot of things, Jesus praying for his disciples and then for us, all the ones that believed in God through them, and yes even through us, and with all the prayer for deliverance from evil and all, the one thing that did strike me ws the prayer for unity. Vs 22 says that they may be one as the Son and the Father are one, in perfect unity (reminds me the church being one body with different members making up the different parts and Christ being the head). The reason for being one is in vs 23, that with us being perfect in one, the world may know that Jesus was truly sent by God and that God does love us. Look around today at the world, cos I do a lot of times and I do not see unity and am not even talking about the church as a whole am talking about individual churches.

Now looking through all this, like I said shows the will of God not just for Jesus while here on earth but for us, followers of Christ, Christians. To share the gospel, and share eternal life with the world, to shine out as a light, to pray for the ones given us, and the ones given us will be the world, cos the last commandment given to the apostles and from the apostles to us was simple, go into the world and preach the gospel, manifesting the glory of God through love everywhere we go. Everything is aptly summarized in vs 25-26

25 "Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

And will continue to make you known He said, does that stop at His leaving us in the world?? No because He said He would send His comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be indwelling in us even till this day, so no the prayer is still in effect till this day.

I cannot leave here without something in direct reference to the title now and it is something I borrowed from todays devotional, a very direct quote that speaks for itself...

"Oh, the bravery of God in trusting us! Do you say, "But He has been unwise to choose me, because there is nothing good in me and I have no value"? That is exactly why He chose you. As long as you think that you are of value to Him He cannot choose you, because you have purposes of your own to serve. But if you will allow Him to take you to the end of your own self-sufficiency, then He can choose you to go with Him "to Jerusalem" ( Luke 18:31 ). And that will mean the fulfillment of purposes which He does not discuss with you."

It is a new month I said and it is a time when I do check myself, and the knowledge that things are not quite finished between me and God is at the very least humbling. I am a W.I.P. and truthfully as I learn everyday it is the process that counts.

As the potter works with clay, the blacksmith works with iron, so God works with us. If so much care and thoughtfulness were not put into the craftsmanship we would not end up with the Father.
The thing now is to remember that you are the clay and not the potter, you are the piece of iron and not the blacksmith.

Finally as food for thought, I will share this thought with you, we all say we are children of God, heirs of Abraham and all but then if you read John 3:16 (no need to quote it), He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes... His only begotten Son to die for our sins. As a child of God, what does that make you?? Take up your cross and follow me Jesus said, your cross, not your blessings, not the favor and all. I will stop here for now, like I said it is food for thought, story for another day.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The great banquet!!

The Parable of the Great Banquet(Luke 14:15-24)
It was compared to the kingdom of heaven, and as we all know God has prepared a banquet for us in heaven, us christians, and what are we doing? We are leaving the invitation and getting caught up by things that really shouldn't matter to us. A lot of us are caught up by the glamour and glitter, the things that don't matter. Caught up by chasing what we want and not understanding that in walking with God, He will provide all we need. A lot of times we start out right, we start out following the will of God for our lives and then somewhere along the line we fall out and start following personal interests contrary to the will of God. Those interests don't have to be wrong in our eyes; but the words of the Lord's prayer we so often say is our judge "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". A lot of times we start out right, but due to difficulties we encounter, we change our perspective to accomodate those difficulties. We attempt to make things easier in the long run, by closing our eyes or our ears to the obvious, by adopting the see, hear and speak; not no evil but against some evils.
Could it be that we are missing out on the feast being prepared for us in heaven? A feast we have known about right from the day we gave our lifes to christ. Could it be that we could be missing out on the day we have most certainly been invited; to go seek out something of more value to us than Him?
Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few and that many are called but few are eventually chosen.
I look around me and within me and sometimes it makes me really sad, I constantly check the state of my heart, my motives and the reason behind all I do, checking to see if it is God-driven or me-driven. I look around and I see the opposite of what Jesus Christ commanded us (to go and be a light to the world that they may see and glorify our Father in heaven), I see articles about the church, the body of Christ trying to conform to the world and while I would like to stand up and scream out, these words quietly whisper to me "he who says he has no sin should cast the first stone". And i don't know whether these same words stop us a lot of times from speaking out but then I know this now, it is one thing to judge and it is an entirely different matter to stand for what is right.
Where is your heart? Where is your mind? Where do you lay your foundation? Where do you store your treasure?

Two passages to share which I pray summarises all

Col 2:6-8. Walk in what you received at the beginning, hold unto it. He who follows the will of God is seen as one who builds his house on a rock (on a strong secure foundation)

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him,
rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Matthew 10:32 & 33. Acknowledging Him does not mean just saying He is God, but acknowledging all He stands for.

32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.

You hold the invitation in your hand, what you do with it is in your hand as well. The time is now, not tomorrow, not yesterday. It is right now, everyday.

Let my light so shine before men, that they may see Christ in me,
Christ in me and not me myself, because I can do nothing,
Because I was a wretched sinner, made whole by your love,
Made whole by your grace and in you I am made strong.
Not my will but yours be done, teach me your path, So i can walk in it daily.

My prayer tonight, my prayer for you. You have been given the invitation, come share in the joy of the Lord...


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Do not compromise being good!!!

There come times when I get tired of being good, tired of trying to live right, and am not talking of falling back into sin, am talking of putting yourself out there for people. The ones you know and the ones you don't. Times when you are just tired of it all and want to be left alone. Something someone said or did, or didn't say or do. It is annoying the first few times and then it gets tiring.
Remembered a passage this morning, searched for it and thought to share it this morning.

Galatians 6:9-10

9. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
10. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Just a thought, I don't know what everyone is going through at the moment, but if you do get tired, think of a man crying at the Garden of Gethsemane, while His disciples slept, think of a man sweating blood this morning, for you and for me, for no other reason than this; there was no one else worthy enough for that purpose.
We are representatives of that suffering, representatives of the results of that suffering. So people let us not compromise being good at all times, not for our sakes but for the sake of He who came down to die for us, who came down to save us. Today, tomorrow and always, everywhere we set foot, as we do have the opportunity.

Now some may ask like I do, What of me?? I have problems too, how come no one ever sees my problems and my needs? The bible says whatever you sow you reap, and that we should do unto others as we want them to do unto us. Now I say, God sees, he hears your cry, he understands your need and He is working to sort you out in His time. "Let God use you to sort the need of others and let God worry about who to choose to sort out your needs when He sees the time is right".

It is hard I know but it is possible. When I think of how hard it is right now, I remember Joseph, it took a while but the good he did, in potiphars house, all the hard work and the labour, got him in jail. He never gave up, he did not compromise being good, he helped paharoah's cup bearer and was forgotten, he did not compromise being good. At the end he was remembered, at the exact time he was needed. I dont know if y'all thought of this but if he had come out of jail at any other time apart from when he did, He would not have become the prime minister of Egypt.
Truth is you never know. You never know when the good you do today will be rewarded of if it ever will be, what is for sure is that when it is, it is usually no ALWAYS worth the wait.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I got this from here and you can visit the site, I pray it will bless you as much as it is currently blessing me.

There are times when you can’t understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don’t fill it with busyness, just wait. The time of waiting may come to teach you the meaning of sanctification— to be set apart from sin and made holy— or it may come after the process of sanctification has begun to teach you what service means. Never run before God gives you His direction. If you have the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt— wait.
At first you may see clearly what God’s will is— the severance of a friendship, the breaking off of a business relationship, or something else you feel is distinctly God’s will for you to do. But never act on the impulse of that feeling. If you do, you will cause difficult situations to arise which will take years to untangle. Wait for God’s timing and He will do it without any heartache or disappointment. When it is a question of the providential will of God, wait for God to move.
Peter did not wait for God. He predicted in his own mind where the test would come, and it came where he did not expect it. "I will lay down my life for Your sake." Peter’s statement was honest but ignorant. "Jesus answered him, ’ . . . the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times’ " (John 13:38). This was said with a deeper knowledge of Peter than Peter had of himself. He could not follow Jesus because he did not know himself or his own capabilities well enough. Natural devotion may be enough to attract us to Jesus, to make us feel His irresistible charm, but it will never make us disciples. Natural devotion will deny Jesus, always falling short of what it means to truly follow Him.

Now the question is...Where are you at the moment?
Are you lost or confused? Have you tried your best(your best i said) God wants you to be but failed time and time again?
Do you have questions needing answers? Or do you have answers needing explanations?

When in doubt just wait, wait on God. He sees the whole picture, He knows and He is ever willing, ever faithful to guide and to show you the way, He is always willing to give you your daily bread, not what you think you want, but what He knows you need.
We all know the scripture "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God".
Ask God for your daily bread, and its not just about the food you eat, its not just about the jobs you seek, its not just about the blessings you need for you, family and friends. It is also about the answers you seek; your calling? your vision? your service? It dont have to be for tomorrow, but for today.
Give us today our daily bread, the Holy Spirit to guide, comfort and keep us, His words to sustain us, the fellowship we need to grow, the strength we need to hold on. Where He leads, I leap, where He guides I follow.
2 Peter 1:10-11 says "10 Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Be eager indeed, but while in doubt and even after you are sure, ask God for your daily bread; everyday.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Leave it all to Him...

Today in the world we see people (by people I mean all of us), judging the world by the things they do, looking down on them. Calling everything they do wrong, bad, unholy and the like. Everything they do is bad and they are sinners, everything apart from the things we do along with them. I read the above stated passage and I thought about what they all do. They go to clubs to dance, have their nights out. We look at them and condemn them but because we can't do all they do, we go home, listen to the same music and try as much as possible to not have as good a time as they are having. Just using that as an example, there are countless others. But then how are you and I different?

Ephesians 2:14 - 21(NIV)
14 When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
15 "We who are Jews by birth and not 'Gentile sinners'
16 know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified.
17 "If, while we seek to be justified in Christ, it becomes evident that we ourselves are sinners, does that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not!
18 If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker.
19 For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God.
20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"[d]

What am I trying to say here? We look at the world as christians and all it holds, the music, the partying, the dressing and while we claim to condemn them, we secretly love them. So how does that give us the right to condemn them? This brings to mind something I wrote some time ago, something the above passage makes me remember, something about life and love.


You look at the junkie and see a drug addict,
I see a person trying to shut out his world,
The heartache, lost job, child abuse.
Shutting out with drugs cos he don't know better.
You look at the prostitute and see her vices,
I see a young girl, trapped by the conditions around her,
A poor broken home, inability to get a job,
We look down on them,
And to make ourselves feel better We call it Life
Condemn the sin but not the person
That is love.
Seeing the wrong in you,
Before checking the wrong in others,
That is love
Something we all know but often never show,

I see the parable of the good samaritan,
Acted out almost everyday,
But acted without the samaritan involved.
By me and by many others around me.
Voicing out love but never showing it,
Both to God and man,
To our brothers, Even brothers in Christ
To make ourselves feel better
We call it Life

Imagine the Son of a King,
Not a king on earth but the King of all,
Come down on earth to walk with men,
Born not of a palace, not by a midwife,
Born not even among men, but amidst animals.
You see the junkie, prostitute, the murderer,
You see sinners, call them evil,
I see the baby in the manger,
Born to a tearful, grateful mother,
Born to a joyful father, Who was not even the true father,
Born to a joyful open heaven
I see the baby in the manger,
Born to die that we all can live.
That is Love!!!

You see the junkie, prostitute, the murderer,
You call them sinners, call them evil,
I see a Son forsaken by His Father,
I see pain, borne because of love.
Truth be told at that moment,
The moment our Saviour screamed out "It is finished"
He was a prostitue, a thief, a liar, A junkie, rapist, call it, think it,
The very embodiment of sin.
At that moment people,
what He was, what He did,
That is Life!!!

As you can see there is nothing new under the sun. What we see in the world today has gone on before now, back in the day. Now my question to y'all is this. If with all this going on back in the day, christians were able to do the great things they did, what are we doing today? You don't have to let your shadow heal the sick, you don't have to be Peter, you don't have to do a dissapearing act like Phillip. All you have to be is what God wants you to be.

A long while ago I would have said condemn the sin and the person,
Not too long ago I would have said condemn the sin and not the person.
Now all I say is, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might.
Leave it all to Him, He sees, He knows, He hears. Just trust, obey and follow.