
Thursday, December 31, 2009

The importance of right standing

It is more blessed to give service with true devotion than to receive mercy. What would it profit a man if he gains all he wants and loses what he needs(salvation)?

It is that day again, a day when many go to church to thank God for all that he has done for them in the year and to commit the next year into his hands. It is something that has become more or less a ritual to many, because on this day, year in year out, we are in church, not because we have to be, but because many believe it is wrong to be anywhere else. Many are in church on this night to go into the new year in God's presence and it has absolutely no impact on how they actually do live their lives in the following year. I came across a passage recently, a passage that reminds me of this, it talks about fasting but then, I think it goes far beyond fasting and focuses on the very lives we live as God's people.
Isaiah 58:2-5 it talks about a people that seek God daily, doing his ways like righteous people when in reality they were not. A people who acted like they loved God but could not in reality show the love they had for God to their fellow men.
Jesus put it plainly saying, by their fruits you will know them, it is not about what you profess to be, it is the results that will be used to determine who you really are. So you can live a life supposedly for God and at the end miss Him totally.(Matthew 7:15-23)
We are entering a new year, for most of us, we are entering the year in exactly the same mood as we have entered the previous years, right there in God's presence, but then what will make this year different from the previous ones? This is a question I have asked myself for the past couple of weeks, it is a question I have asked on close examination of myself, and my life this year and in the past years. And no, I dare not enter this year the same way I have entered all the previous ones. This year I want to be different and hence the reason for the topic.
Right standing as I define it today, is right standing in the eyes of God, being where He wants you to be, both with God himself and with men. Now while this may be seen as being righteous, I want to leave it as it is. Now there are two kinds of right standing, the one that comes from self and the one that comes from God. I differentiate them today as this;
Self right standing: Involves doing all the things I feel are right so as to get into heaven, doing all the things I feel are right to make me look good in the eyes of men.
True right standing: Involves doing all the things I know God wants me to do, not so I can get into heaven but so that through them I can glorify His name here on earth. While it may not make me a fan of all men, all the people that see would know that indeed it is a product of true relationship with God
Why do I make this distinction? All through the bible, there are men of God who have been recognized not just for the lives they lived, but because they were seen to be on right standing with God. From Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel all through the scriptures to Paul. Men who put what God wanted, above all else. Men who lived lives that men saw and glorified God for. But then what did they gain? What is the big deal about right standing?
Mathew 6:33: Seek the kingdom of God first and all these shall be added to you, these meaning all what was mentioned in Matthew 6:25-32, what to eat, what to wear, where to stay and your life as you don't know it.
Psalm 1:3: To be like a tree planted by rivers of water. No matter the season, you shall remain strong and whatsoever you do shall prosper. Having Matthew 6:33 in mind that is seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness in all you do. Having in mind that in all you do you are where God wants you to be, you shall prosper.
2 Peter 1:3-11: What Peter considered a blessing and a fulfillment of God's promise was not riches, not silver, gold or long life, but protection from the world; the corruption in it through lust (vs 4). Having in mind that in lust, we have the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh.
So many promises, no weapon fashioned against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17), all things will work for your good (Romans 8:28). All dependent on your standing with God.

Your desire to live right, your desire to depend solely on God for your deliverance, total dependence on the work done on the cross, your faith in the death of Christ. your faith in the only living God, what counts as your right standing, sets you at the start of the race track to life...
By one man we were doomed by Adam, by another we all were saved, by Christ, that all who believe, all who have faith in Him will see eternal life.
Why do I say right standing sets you at the beginning of the race track? Jesus spoke of what happened at the end, the ones who thought they were living right (one can say running the race, fighting the good fight) Christ said to them depart from me, I know you not. They were not recognized. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. You cant confess with your mouth and not believe in your heart, that is living an empty and hollow life. You can't believe in your heart and not confess with your mouth (by confessing with your mouth I am talking about showing it not just in your speech but in the very life you live), it reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan. It is one thing to feel pity but if it is not shown then it is of no use whatsoever.
Reminds me of the parable about the two sons, one said he would go meaning it but never did. The other said he never would but eventually did due to his change of heart.
Believing in your heart qualifies you, saves you, but then salvation is only the first bit... Faith as small as a mustard seed... But then it grows, you start the race, you don't just stay at the starting line, you actually run the race. You believe in your heart why not proclaim with your life? It is a new year, a year that I dare not go through in the same way I went through the previous ones. How about you?

Friday, December 25, 2009

His Birthday... Even a manger will do.

A man and a woman, heavy with child, searching for a place to lay their head for the night. Funny, would have thought that a man like Joseph would at least have had a family home to stay in, but he didn't. The bible says they searched long and hard that night, but they were turned away at every door. Was it cold that night? I don't know, was it raining? I have no idea. I do know this for sure, that they were turned away at every door. They got to one however, where they were offered not a room in the place, but a space in the stables. A place which Joseph took gladly so Mary could lay her head. Trying to be as comfortable as they could, that was where our Savior was born.
It is another year, another Christmas. A time to be of good cheer, a time to be with friends and loved ones, a time for Santa, sales and shopping, a time to share gifts, party and have fun, a time for all you can eat. A time people generally come together to celebrate Christmas.
Now the question is this, if it was my birthday, what would I want? Gifts? Oh yes, but then what can you give someone who already has it all? What do you have to offer? Coming to mind this day is a verse I love, a verse made more important on this day chosen to be His birthday
Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service

For the people who go to church and the ones that don't I ask the same question, what do you hold in mind all through today? A time of laughter? A time to celebrate? A time to share gifts? What is it?
At a time where Santa Claus is more widely recognized than the one for whom we really celebrate, there is another verse that does come to mind from scripture
Rev 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Why these 2 verses? To celebrate a birthday, two things are needed. First the Celebrant, secondly a gift for Him. Many have gone through this day, every year not giving room for any and I wonder... How different are we from the innkeepers back then who refused to give room for Joseph?
People back in the day, at least Jesus got room in a stable, at least he got gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Today we leave him outside to be born in the cold, with no gifts whatsoever and we say we celebrate Christmas?
At this time and age where Santa is more recognized than baby Jesus, I say this, even a manger will do, just let Him in. Give space for Him in your heart. I will also say this however, that if the people of those days knew what you know now about my Savior and God, many and I mean many would have gladly given up their rooms and even whole inns for his birth.

Merry Christmas people...
As always, have a good one.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sacrifices. offerings and my relationship with God...

A loving relationship is not characterized by the amount of gifts you give or receive. It is characterized by the value you place on the person and how you actually treat that person in your daily life. Things that come from within not without

A time where sacrifices, offerings and blessings are become what takes the leading roles in the life of people, I wonder whether the desire for blessings usually characterized by the giving of gifts and offerings are backed up by a desire for God. A desire to love and know Him a desire to worship Him not just in words but in deeds, not just in church but with the very lives we live. We have a God who sees all, who knows all, knows the depths of the heart of man, both what man reveals and what man chooses to keep secret.
A look to different scenes in the bible at different times from the very beginning to the end to check out how people in the bible gave...

Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:2-7): Two different sacrifices, one from the first fruits of his hand, the other just from the fruits of his hand. While it is important to note the use of the first fruits, I however believe that of equal or more importance is what is noted in verse 6 and 7 "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Of equal importance to God was the state of Cain's heart and not just his sacrifice, the reason why his offering was not accepted.

Abraham (Genesis 13:14-18): It was after Abraham, obeyed God after a while, by totally leaving his family as God commanded him to that God actually came and reminded him again of the promise and the reason He commanded him (Abraham) to leave his father's house in the first place. It goes beyond the sacrifice Abraham made and centre on his obedience, far more important to God.

There are so many stories in the bible from the story of Saul (1 Samuel 15:22), to the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). Saul lost his kingdom, Ananias and Sapphira lost their lives. The widow who gave 2 mites was the one that gave the least in the eyes of men but gave the greatest in the eyes of God, because she gave right. David talked about not giving to God that which cost him nothing and I wonder about the idea of giving God because you want Him to bless you back threefold, fourfold and tenfold. Is that what motivates me to give? If it is then does God accept the offerings I give? Jesus spoke about going back to ask your brother who you have wronged to forgive you before you actually give anything to God; Why was that? Because in giving an offering you and not your offering have to come to God acceptable unto Him present yourself as a living sacrifice before God FIRST, before anything else (Romans 12:1).

Looking through the bible we will see over and over again that although God loves the sacrifice we bring before Him, what matters to Him the most is the state of my heart, the state of my life, that is what makes my sacrifice acceptable to Him.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

To be or not to be: At peace with all men...

Romans 12:18: If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

As much as it depends on you. I used to think that this passage meant that I should try until I could try no more. Hold unto my anger till it was about to blow and then really, really blow. Try for maybe a day or two, show some love until it seems like it is all falling to dirt and then let it go. Just let it go and you will be fine. That was all that mattered. Truth is, there is so much tied into the scripture that just glancing through it at most times just isn't enough. You actually do need the Spirit within to guide you, speak to you and reveal to you or else, you could read the whole bible several times and never really gain understanding.

First question is... How do I live my life? Not talking about living with people at the moment, but on my own, how much do I cherish the life I live, the breath I take in everyday. What is most important to me? The greatest commandments of all as Jesus said are given in Mark 12:30-31. First love God with all you have and all you are, then love your neighbor's as much as you love yourself. A while back I wondered why it had to be so and then it hit me... Sometimes you are at an all time low, self confidence is at its lowest. If the love meter had a gauge yours would be hitting the low 30's that is if it even got to get above the 25 mark. Even then the love meter should hit a steady 100 for God (even if you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death (Ps 23:4)) after all He is always with you, watching and keeping you. So then, the way you live your life truly determines how you live with others and especially how you treat them. However if a man or woman, truly lives for God, then we will become more and more like Christ each day and the old nature that was us, with Christ will be put off not automatically but through our conscious efforts to not just put off the old nature but to keep it off.
Secondly, to be at peace, you have to have love, not just for God but for your fellow men at least as much as you do love yourself. And this is where there is a problem; after-all there are people who are not so great and are not so deserving of it. Romans 12:9 talks about pretending to love others. That by itself is a hard pill to swallow because in most cases as long as I can coexist with people not really having to talk to them it is fine right(and I am not talking about people you walk past on the streets, but people you live with and yes, people you go to church with)? There are quite a number of times I have said, if not for God I would have done this or done that... And I just wonder, how many people do the things (the good ones) they do out of sincere/grudging love. God sees the heart anyways not just the action. He looks inwardly at the heart of man, to see the true intent of our actions.
Matthew 5:38-48 sums up living at peace with all men. From turning the other cheek if offended, to allowing yourself to be cheated. From loving those that hate you, to blessing and praying for those who have the intent to do you harm. It is not an easy thing to do by ones self. But the same Spirit that was in Stephen, when he was being stoned hasn't changed till date, the same Spirit that was in Jesus when He was being crucified is still there today, the same Spirit that was in Joseph throughout the time when he was on the wrong side of justice for things he didn't do, is still the same today as it was back then.

As much as it lies with you, live at peace with all men... As much as it lies with you, turn the other cheek, if you are sued for little, give extra, love your enemies, pray for them that persecute you. If men must hate you, let them hate you for what you are not, not for what you are..
You are not a liar, a cheat, a troublemaker, a backbiter. You are a child of the living God. Let your light shine.