
Sunday, November 8, 2009

To be or not to be a vessel of honour

We were all made for a reason, made for a purpose, and all we do, all we experience in life most times is tailored to that purpose. We try so often to shut out who we are meant to be, we try to lay low and be anonymous, we try to close our eyes to the world because leaving them open makes us care, pulls out the us within us, the one we try so hard not to be. Or we add so much to who we are that it gets so difficult to remember what makes us, what differentiates us from everyone else.
The question today like the topic says, "to be or not to be" the person God created you to be.

To be or not to be, a vessel to honour: 2 Tim 2:20 says, in a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble...
Funny how nowadays we as christians we either want all the power, to preach, to teach, to heal, cast out demons, do everything we have seen great men of God do regardless of God's calling on our lives... On the other hand, we have people who want nothing to do with all of that, thinking in their minds that it is too much to ask of God, wanting just to go to heaven in their quiet state also regardless of God's calling on their lives. Sound like anyone you know?? Cos that used to be me. The very next verse gives an answer... It don't matter where, what or who you are, whether gold, silver, wood or clay, whether on the pulpit or at the very back of the church. 2 Tim 2:21 if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the master and prepared to do any good work. vs 22-25 sheds more light on this.
Now the latter refers to ignoble purposes and ignoble means completely lacking nobility in character, quality or purpose. Reminds me of Philipians 4:8 (whatever is good, pure, noble, e.t.c. Should be thought of)... All that needs to be done is to be cleansed of ignoble purposes and you can be used to do any good work, and I believe the word "any" is used because it is determined not by you but by our Father in heaven. There are two sides of a coin to the general belief of perfect in God's eye. On one hand, which is before He calls you, we should be seeking him with all our hearts, living blameless lives, perfect in our own eyes, before we can be in His. On the other hand, after we are called, we see ourselves sitting in absolute glory here on earth, speaking out and seeing things happen, fighting legions of demons or so pure and holy that nothing should withstand us. We have created a stereotype of the before and the after that sub-consciously we believe that God can't possibly use us. Looking through the bible, the only thing that qualified the people God used was that God looked at them and chose them, the only thing that qualified them after they were called was that the obeyed God totally. Its not where you are at the moment, but who you are, the you God and God alone sees, the you He knows you are capable of being, a vessel of honour. Once he calls you what to do? The one thing each and every disciple Jesus called did. Leave all that you are and follow Him, let him sort you out in His way, trust Him to, and He will. There are many vessels of gold and silver, some of wood and clay, some to noble purposes, some to ignoble. Phillip probably did a lot of wonderful things, but in Acts he was mentioned just speaking to an eunuch, led by God. John stayed in the wilderness all through his ministry and ended up beheaded, led byy God, Samuel was a little boy when he was called and grew up to be the greatest judge of Israel's time, led by God. Saul was on his way to murder christians when he was called, ended up spreading the gospel the furthest it had ever been, led by God. He is knocking at your door, seeking to fellowship with you, you don't have to be up there, you don't have to be perfect, all God needs is a vessel, whether gold, silver, wood or clay don't matter, what matters is that you put aside all that will shield you from His presence, all that makes you ignoble.
To be or not to be a vessel of honour, a choice totally up to you, after the choice? Leave it all to Him.

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