
Thursday, March 11, 2010


And He said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"

In Matthew 18:23-35, Jesus talks about a debtor, one that owed ten thousand talents which can be converted to millions of dollars. A man who after he had been forgiven of his debt, went around to someone who owed him just a few dollars and actually threw him in jail. To some people, that would make a lot of sense, the reminder that you are a debtor would make you go around to all your own debtors to collect. The problem is, the man forgot that he had been forgiven for something greater, a lot greater than what he refused to let go of.
Not one person, or a select few, but every single person at one point in time or everyday of their lives needs a form of compassion. If it isn't you needing it, then someone will need it from you today. So often however we forget, how we received it, forget how we were when we needed it and before we got it. We have people who feel that just because they have gone through a situation means that no one else on earth has a right to complain about it. People think in their hearts that if they could survive it, then anyone should, forgetting what they went through in that period.
I had an interesting conversation with someone no too long ago and I was asked if God would forgive mass murderers and robbers. This was because of an incident that happened where people were robbed and seperated. The ones that had were let go, the ones that didn't were killed in the worst way ever, run over intentionally by a bus. The sight was horrible, and the question valid. If those thieves repented, would God forgive them? Putting this in comparism with the people that commit genocide, that singular act would pale in comparism. 6million Jews dead beats that anyday. There have been atrocities commited over time by different people for very different reasons. In our eyes some are worse than the other but then lets live the killings, the things that shock us, lets come to the everyday things we see daily. The abuse of a child by parents; physically, verbally, sexually. Men raping women seems bad especially if you are the woman involved, but then what about the men that rape little girls? What of the men that rape little boys? We talk about genocide but then what of the genocide of unborn babies? What of abortion? The bible calls sin, sin, no matter what form it takes, and says all who truly repent will receive forgiveness. Now if God forgives you for the little you do, why shouldn't he forgive someone else who truly repents? It was His choice to forgive you why not trust Him to make the same decision for others?
God sent His Son to die for all, especially the same ones that crucified Him. The same people who He did great wonders for, healing the sick, casting out demons, you name it, He did it and they crucified Him. What did He do? He made an excuse for them. What did He say? He begged and pleaded for them. The greatest possible act of compassion shown on earth. Shown ba a Father through His Son.
We walk through life, trying not to be affected by what we see around us, it is a good thing in principle because we are "protected" from the shock of seeing what is actually going on around us. It works up till the time trouble comes knocking at your door. And come it will eventually because everyone, every single person needs compassion.
Phillipians 4:12-13 says,
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

If truly you know what it is, then go out and show it to someone. Have compassion today and touch a life, you never know when you would need it again.

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