
Monday, May 31, 2010


Truth be told, I would rather die fighting for what is right, than die fighting against the wrong in the world.

Over the last week, there was a time I felt so choked up, not choked up physically, but choked up emotionally, choked up in the spirit. So choked up the tears won't fall but rather there is a pain so deep that the only thing that would come out is simply "Why me?". Much as I would love to claim that there is a quickfix, a ready solution, there really isn't. At least not one that would work immediately. There are words that I would like to share, words that I do hope would comfort you.

Have you lost someone, something?
Ever been broken or are you hurting?
Lost a friend or a loved one maybe something precious
Tried to live right for long but lost all for briefly wrong?
Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered,
Where did all go wrong?
You cry but the tears don't come,
You are angry but even that feels so wrong,
You want to let go because you feel so numb,
But then the thought of that makes it worse.
You search for comfort, you search for hope,
But then failure to find them every single time,
Leaves you gasping, gasping for air that just won't come.
You smile, but you feel bitter,
At night, you toss and turn, sleep won't come
In the morning, you just want to go back to bed.
You never feel quite ready to face your day.

Memories all around? Of what was and what could have been that isn't. You see people all around who by right should be worse of than you and one dares to wonder at the injustice of the world. And as one wonders, one wanders and starts choking.
You need air? Stop and take a deep breath, stop seeking answers, stop asking questions and just breathe. Breathe in God's presence and let go of all that bothers you. Because truly, time spent questioning God in anger, with a sense of falsely placed injustice, is time spent away from the comfort of His hands. Just breathe. Till you get to that point, a time when what upsets you, isn't the wrong in the world, but the right that isn't.
Let go, leave it all to the One who actually knows and just breathe. Rather than find comfort in places that are not sure, comfort yourself in the Lord. Let Him take care of you.


Two wrongs don't make a right, but then neither does one wrong and no reaction. Only right begets right.

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. Psalm 27:4


Anonymous said...

thank you. that was beautiful, so much that it moved me 2 tears. i needed it, thanx again!!!!!

Anon said...

Thank God for that... Glad it touched you..