
Saturday, December 6, 2008

The first Chapter: Love

Love is a word that is always used but hardly understood. A word used to describe both physical and emotional feelings. No matter the context it is used in, there is always a deep sentimental feeling of attachment attached to it. Love has been defined so many times in so many ways by countless people. Books have been written about it. But I am not talking about the process of love, not talking about the chemistry, the physicality or whatever name u can give to it. I am talking about the feeling. I will paint several pictures here and I'll leave u to make out your own meaning.

  • A king betrayed by his son. His kingdom was taken, his wives raped out in the sun, his house was taken his life was sought. A king still loving, crying out for his son, even till his son's death (2Samuel 18:33)
  • A man made to work seven years for a wife, cheated, lied to and made to work for seven more years(Genesis 29:20-29)
  • One man defiant of the laws of a country, still holding unto God in the face of death (Daniel 6:10)
  • Three men refusing in the face of death to look at any other face but that of their God (Daniel 3:17,18)
  • An outcast taking care of a wounded man on the wayside even where his people didn't (Luke 10:25-37)
  • A Father, watching his innocent Son die on the cross, crucified by the very people he came to save(Matthew 27:46)
There are so many examples of love. Real love, people holding on even when all seems to be going wrong and all this is human. Imagine the amount of love God has for you.ometies we may feel that we don't deserve it and in all reality we don't. But that is where love comes in.And the kind of love am talking about is this:
  • Using a cheat, a liar, a trickster to build the foundation for his people. Am talking about Jacob. He was turned into a champion(Genesis 32: 28)
  • Using a murderer, a deserter, a man who lost the will to speak in public. Am talking about Moses. From a sheep herder to the leader of the greatest exodus in history(Exodus 3 & 4)
  • Because she saved a nation, she was included in the lineage of the son of God. Am talking about Rahab, a prostitute. (Matthew 1:5)
  • Betrayed Jesus not once but thrice, came out as the first leader of the church. Am talking about Peter.
  • A rainbow, a promise of love that God will not destroy the world in his anger again.
  • A promise of love, his Son sent to die for us (John 3:16)
Again there are so many examples of God's love towards us. Sometimes I dare to think that it is not possible, but then I think of the countless examples in the bible and I dare to believe, I dare to hope that his love is unfailing, ever strong, ever sure.
In a movie "The Mexican", a question was posed that touched me. 'If you truly love someone, when do you get to that point where you give up on that person', and the answer was simple. "Never".
In life it is said people fall in and out of love, but in truth if u do love someone, no matter how it hurts, u never give up on them.
There's one place where that love is real, where that love is undeserved but is still given, there is one person who WILL NOT give up on you. It is all tied together, to have faith, to believe you must first have love(Matthew 22:37-40)

There is no love without sacrifice, no love without pain.
Without love there is neither faith or hope.
Love overlooks all faults, embraces all mistakes, accepts and changes.
I could go on and on but then i'll end with this. No matter where you are at the moment, what you have done in the past, what you may be planning in the future. Right now at this moment, God loves you and is ready, ever ready to accept you. Just give him your all, love with your heart soul and strength. Take the first step.

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