
Friday, April 10, 2009

John 3:16

There is a passage in the bible, maybe the most famous of all bible passages in the bible John 3: 16 and it says "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life"
A lot of times we do things as christians, that we feel terrible about, we do things that make our conscience prick us so bad that we have a hard time getting out of it, not to encourage sin but then if your conscience does hurt you and you do repent then yeah God has forgiven you, Please go and sin no more. Now that is hard for some of us, because we keep going over some particular sins over and over again. I have this to say, a simple word for you, a simple word for me.

For God so loved the world, this was a world He created, a people He created in his own image and in Genesis 1, He looked down on the earth and was glad for he saw that it was good.

That He gave his only Son, a lot of times this week especially, I have felt really down, really sad, wondered if I was deserving of God's love, but then looking at this passage today, these words came to me, He gave his only son, after looking down at a world, a wicked world, the Sodom's and Gommorah's, the Tyre's and Sidon's, the Herod's killing innocent children, a world of wickedness, a world He had destroyed before for the same set of sins, and God looked down and rather than destroy the world a second time, and go back on his word, He gave us life, in the form of His only son.
If you have commited murder, He gave His only Son,
Fornication, adultery, masturbation, pornography, He gave his only Son,
Drunkenness, drugs, abortions, He gave His only Son,
Poor in spirit, broken hearted, mourning, in pain, He gave his only Son,
It don't matter what u did, cos it has been done before and God still sent His Son, but as always with God, it boils down to choice and this is where we all come in. God loves you, He loves you so much that He opted to give you life where He could have given you death, he opted to send His Son, what more can we ask for.
Whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life,
not whosoever is pure in heart, not whosoever heals the sick, preaches the gospel, or is perfect, not whosoever obeys all the laws of God, but whosever believes in Him.
We live in a world today, where God is most times a second option, a second choice our fall back plan in times where everything goes wrong and if u feel today as you remember His death and the reason behind it, that your living a life worthy of the reason, then by all means live on. It dont take God's love away from you one bit.
Peter denied God three times in one night, Jesus died on the cross for him,
the Jews crucified Jesus, mocked Him and did all they did, Jesus died for them as well
the roman soldiers that tortured Him, He died for them all,
the soldiers that killed all the little children at the time of Jesus birth, Jesus died for them as well.
He died for you too... Your choice, your decision, your purpose. He loves you.

Happy Easter

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